Great day

Today was a great day. I set out with the mind frame that it was going to be filled with positive thoughts and energy, and it was!!!

I started the day by getting my coworker a diet coke from McDonald’s. It’s her one guilty pleasure. As long as I was at it, I paid for the person’s order behind me. It was so fun!!! Hope it made her day. Made me realize I need to do random acts like that more often, and not just on designated days.

This day is so big. Not only did Nevaeh become an angel, its my grandpa’s birthday, my mom’s 9th anniversary of being cancer free.

It was very cool delivering the care packs. Can’t wait to do more. They were very appreciative. I hope the mom and dads enjoy them, and brings the some comfort in their hard time.

Angel anniversary

Tomorrow is Nevaeh’s five year angel anniversary. Can’t believe it was five years ago already. I have no idea how the day will go. I am going to try to have a good day. That’s why I am delivering the care packs tomorrow. I want to focus my energy on the positive that came out of this. Five years ago I never imagined that something good could come out of loosing my daughter. That’s why this is so important to me.

I am always fine when I think and I write. But as soon as I say something out loud about tomorrow being the date of her death, the tears come. I just told Jason out loud the Nevaeh’s passed away on my grandpa’s birthday. We just celebrated his 92nd birthday with him today. That started the tears coming. But I will be strong, I will forge ahead.

Please don’t forget to do something nice for someone tomorrow…a random act of kindness. I just want so badly for something good to come out of loosing my daughter. Even if we can make this world a better place – a place with love and respect, and kindness – just for one day, it would make my heart happy.

I hope Nevaeh’s is smiling down and happy that her short life made such an impact. I hope she is proud of me.

Gavin the little miracle

This little miracle’s name is Gavin – born just shy of 26 weeks. His mommy was the first recipient of one of my care packs! Video shot by Great Scott Images.

First care pack delivered

My first care pack is being delivered this morning to a mom whose baby was born at 26 weeks. My co-worker Kate personally knows the mom. Her husband Scott is a photographer and owns Great Scott Images. He is going up to the NICU this morning to take some photos of the baby – which I think is really cool. So Scott is delivering the carepack personally. Its extra special knowing that a friend of a friend will be receiving the very first care pack!


Happy fathers day!!!

Happy fathers day to all the dads out there. I feel so blessed that Jason is such a great, engaged daddy to our girls. I am also remembering my dad who is in heaven, and was the best dad ever. Today I am also thinking of the dads that lost children. May they find peace today.

Seek peek



Seek peek at my first care packs and memory box.

Memory boxes and care packs

I almost have 5 care packs, and 5 memory boxes complete! I just need to pick up some final things for the care packs, and I am waiting for a few things yet that people are donating. Each of the care packs has been running me around $25.00 to put together. As of right now I have included the following: blanket, handmold kit, stuffed animal, journal, photo album, word search book and pen, hand sanitizer, hand lotion, lip balm, and tissues. I think the last thing I want to add is a bottle of water. I know I was always thirsty and searching for water when I would visit Nevaeh. Does anyone have any other ideas of nice things I should include? I am always looking for ideas and suggestions!!

Random Act of Kindness Day

In memory of Nevaeh – I would like to have all my friends and family participate in a random act of kindness day on July 11 – the 5 year anniversary that Nevaeh became an angel.

I plan on bringing my first care packs and memory boxes to the NICU on July 11th. I ask that you do something simple and kind on this day – whether it be to a co-worker, a friend, a family member, or even a stranger! It doesn’t have to be something big, or cost a lot of money. You can bring someone flowers, give a stranger a compliment, buy a co-worker a soda or coffee, put money in an expired parking meter, pay for the order in the car behind you at the drive thru – any thing!!

Love and kindness are what makes this world a better place. And it would make me so happy to have everyone participate in a day like this in memory of my daughter. If you do participate – I would love for you to leave a comment – and tell me all about it!

First baby blanket

I have been so blessed with many great friends and family in my life! My co-worker and great friend Kate Eastman bought enough fabric to make 4 fleece baby blankets for my project! She brought the first one in for me today, and it is absolutely adorable. These blankets are perfect because they fit perfectly into the isolettes. I have several keepsake ones that Nevaeh used.

Thank you Kate!!

My project is well under way! I have actually applied to be a division of Project Sweet Peas – a non-profit organization that does the same thing I do! I would still be responsible for funding everything, and working under the name Nevaeh’s Rainbow Project, but will be able to use their large network of suppliers and discounts, fundraisers, and non-profit status. I should hear from them by the end of next week. I am so excited about all of this! I can’t even tell you how good it feels as I have wanted to do something like this for so long!

Part of Me…

I thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new.
I thought about you yesterday and the day before that too.
I think of you in silence. I often say your name.
But all I have are memories and your picture in a frame.
Your memory is my keepsake, with which I’ll never part.
God has you in His keeping. I have you in my heart.
I shed tears for what might have been. A million times I’ve cried.
If love alone could have saved you, you never would have died.
In life I loved you dearly. In death I love you still.
In my heart you hold a place, no one can ever fill.
It broke my heart to lose you, but you didn’t go alone.
For part of me went with you, the day God took you home.

-Author unknown